Start Building Your
Family Legacy
I have journaled for 18 years and it has helped me navigate the fatherhood legacy that I desire to build. This journal is designed with intentional daily questions, monthly reviews, and monthly training exercises to help men who have found themselves on the Adventure of Fatherhood.
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Hi, I'm Ned
Rebel & Create are words I live by.
Today I'm 37, I've been married for almost 17 years, and have five kids...yea we're planners. I want to make the world a better place, always have, I really love people. I believe the communities of our world have potential to experience more joy, love, peace, fun, & adventure. From my perspective the problem is a lack of men, where are all the good men? If men were engaged, especially men who have found themselves as fathers and husbands I believe we would experience more. I have found my purpose and my life's fullment through the way of Fatherhood.